Previous Updates

2023 Updates


3rd - Added purchases to Yum-Yum Shoppe, added collected stickers to Sticker Sheet Club, updated Button Wall and added more mutuals.
2nd - Corrected html code on all pages. Added Pocket Bishonen and Pocket Bishoujo from collection of my old site. Updated about page.


4th - Updated cliques, miscellaneous adoptions, sprites, anime kitties, and other sites pages with various sprites and links from an archive of my first website.
3rd - Created a Yum-Yum Shoppe page in the goodies section. The Button Wall has been updated - dead links have been removed, and any sites with a link to mine have been moved to the mutuals section.
2nd - Added more cliques to my cliques collection, and added Sticker Sheet club to Goodies with some new pixels to adopt.

2022 Updates


31st - More award winners have been added to the Winner's Circle, and links have been updated on the affiliates page and the button wall.


8th - Added links to resources, some hidden link awards to my awards collection, and some adoptions to my other adoptions collection. Another award winner has been added to the winner's circle.
5th - Updated Affiliates page, reorganised the Awards to Win page, and added new winners to the winners circle.


22nd - Swapex page contains new Swapex icons, and two new award winners have been added to the Winner's Circle.
7th - New links have been added to resources, button wall, and other links pages. Affiliates page has been updated. Four new award winners added to the winner's circle.


24th - Happy New Year! Updated my quiz results page and received two new Christmas gifts. Added new links to the Button Wall and Affiliates pages. Two new award winners have been added the the Winner's Circle.

2021 Updates


4th - Added new links to the Button Wall and Other Sites section, and updated links on the Affiliates section.
17th - Updated Awards won in the Winner's Circle, and added a new affiliate to the Affiliates page.


7th - Added new quiz results to quizzes, added new sprites to my Sprites page, and updated the winner's circle.


2nd - Another award winner has been added to the Winner's Circle.


17th - Added links to Button Wall, another affiliate has been added to the Affiliates page, and more award winners have been added to the Winners' Circle.


24th - Another award winner has been added to the winner's circle.


22nd - Added another affiliate to the affiliates page and button wall, and added a link to my art portfolio on my about page.
18th - Updated the button wall with more links, joined a new clique, added a new affiliate to the affiliates page, and added a new award winner to the winner's circle.
6th - A new award winner has been added to the winner's circle.


13th - Added new results to my quiz page and new adoptions added to my miscellaneous adoptions page.
7th - Updated button wall with new links. I have also received two new awards.
6th - The adoption centre is open for you to adopt sprites that I made! So far I have Sailor Moon and Sailor Chibi Moon sprites, but I will be making more characters and characters from other series in the future.


28th - A new award winner has been added to the winner's circle.
27th - Created a Miscellaneous Adoptions page under the Collection section. Updated the following pages: Anime Kitties, Pixel Dolls, Pocket Bishonen, Quizzes, and Sprites. I also received two new awards for my site.
12th - Added links to Button Wall and Cliques, and updated Other Sites page.
11th - Added links to Button Wall, added another card to my SITE-ID TCG deck, and another award winner has been added to the Winner's Circle
6th - Added links to Button Wall and Japanese language learning page.
4th - Updated the Resources page, Button Wall and Other Sites pages with new links.
3rd - Updated my Gifts page with newly received awards, and my Cliques page with a new directory.
2nd - Added two award winners to the Winner's Circle, added links to the Resources page, and buttons to the Button Wall.


6th - Added two new award winners to the winners circle, and added a received gift from one of my affiliates on the gifts page.
24th - Updated my Swapex page.

2020 Updates


1st - Added links to button wall, and another winner has been added to the winner's circle.
15th - Added another award winner to the winner's circle.
30th - Updated swapex page.


22nd - Added award winner to winner's circle.
23rd - Added buttons to button wall, and new donated buttons have been added to the Link to me page.
26th - Two new award winners have been added to the Winners' Circle.
30th - Another award winner has been added to the Winner's Circle.


24th - Added links to resources, button wall and other sites.


4th - Award winner's circle has been updated again.


8th - Added a card to my Site-ID TCG deck.
15th - Updated the Award Winners circle with a new winner.
19th - Another winner added to the Site Award Winner's Circle.


9th - Added an award winner to the winner's circle.


1st - New version of my SITE-ID card is now available, and I have updated the button wall.
2nd - Added links to resources page.
29th - Updated button wall.


23rd - Updated my SITE-ID TCG deck.
16th - Added an Award Winner to the Awards to Win page.
13th - Added a new SITE-ID card to my deck and received a Valentine's day present, which is on the Gifts and Awards page.


31st - Updated button wall.
24th - Added a new affiliate to Affiliates page and Button Wall, added a donated banner to my Link to Me page, and added a SITE-ID TCG card to my deck. I also added a bunch of resources to the Japanese Language Learning page.
20th - Added a SITE-ID TCG card and added sprites to my adopted sprites collection
19th - Button wall updated
14th - Added a card to my SITE-ID TCG deck
9th - Added an award winner to the Awards to Win page, and I also won an award from itsyaboypedro, which you can see on the Gifts and Awards page
8th - Added new page "SITE-ID TCG" under Goodies section
7th - Updated links in the Cliques section and added an award won to the Gifts and Awards section
6th - Added people to Affiliates and Swapex sections, and added a new winner to the Awards section
5th - Added an Affiliates page in the Links section and updated the Button Wall. Added an award that I won to the Gifts and Awards page in the Collection section. Added Swapex to the Goodies section.
3rd - Added a new "About the Layout" page in the about section.
2nd - Received another award from Scerika and updated some links and the button wall. My anime and manga web directory, Anilinks, is now online.

2019 Updates


23rd - Updated button wall, resources and links. I have also won an award, which has been added to my gifts and awards page.
22nd - Updated awards page and added guestbook.


14th - Added an award winner to the winner's circle.


13th - More updates to award winners list.


30th - Added another award winner to the winner's circle and updated links.
19th - Added an award winner to the winner's circle.
11th - Added an award winner to the winner's circle and updated links section.
9th - Buttons in the links section moved to their own page.
8th - Added award winners to the awards section and added links to the other sites section.
7th - Added links to Japanese Language resources section.
3rd - Added rudimentary FAQ section, and updated links and resources sections.
2nd - Created new section under Collection entitled Gifts and Awards.


28th - Updated links section with lots of links to various anime fansites.
25th - Created Japanese Language section under goodies. Added a link to the update page, and a link to a to-do list on the about menu.
24th - New section "Resources" created under Goodies. Moved various resource links previously in links to new resource section.
22nd - Updated css.
19th - Updated links and added information to Pixel Dolls section. Moved Kisekae Dolls to Pixel Dolls section.
15th - Updated links, added description to Pocket Bishonen section.
12th - Added content to "About the Site" section.
8th - Updated awards and links out page.


5th - Updated CSS and changed fonts for headers. Updated splash page - all webrings can now be found on the cliques page.
3rd - Added content to the "Other Sites" page in links and two more pixel dolls
2nd - Added more to the pixel dolls section.
1st - Added content to sprite collection, added links, updated cliques and added content to dolls section.


26th - Updated awards page
25th - Added content to quiz and cliques sections. Added a seperate page for previous updates
22nd - Added more to kao-ani and sprites sections.
21st - Added awards section.
20th - Added content to kao-ani section.
15th - Added more to about me section, altered css, added links to other sites section. Added content to cliques and Pocket Bishonen sections.
11th - Updated css, added accesskeys and a lot of content in all sections, moved some pages around and added a site map under the about section. Moved cliques to a single page under collections.


14th - Updated about me section.
12th - Added an enter graphic, button to link to me, and updated credits and css.
9th - Altered css and added more quiz results.
7th - Added some quiz results.
6th - Updated css, improved accessibility, added content to credits and links.